Revenue Management and Packaging Strategy By Gabor Forgacs and Hoffer Lee
A current study was undertaken to develop a better understanding how hotels utilize the revenue management strategy of value added packaging. The following is a summary of the key findings.
What is Packaging?
If a hotel offers other products and services bundled together with room nights we call it a package.
Package of Internal Components
One way to bundle items together into a package is to use only internal components. That means: each item is produced and controlled by the hotel offering the package.
Package with External Components
Another way to bundle items together would be a mix of internal and external components.
The Objective of Packaging
Hotels in different markets use packaging for different purposes but there is one common element: the fundamental purpose of packaging is to create the perception of value.
Packaging and Segmentation
Leisure travelers find different packages attractive than business travelers. If a hotel has a well defined approach to segmentation, customized packaging is the most effective for targeting a specific market segment.
Revenue Streams Management
It is important for hotels to identify the profitability of each component in a given package.
There is a tremendous potential in value added packaging. From the guests’ perspective we see a preference for one-stop shopping (driver: convenience) and inclusiveness (driver: value). From the service providers’ perspective value added packaging is a well invested effort that helps generate more revenue, boost occupancy and maximize profitability of hotels.