Article of strategies and growth of the company,
During I was looking and trying to look out and reading on the internet about the stategies and growth of the company I find out and it took my attention an article i see that it could maybe be usefull for some of you in class so here i will try to resume it and fill out the only important points in it :
Sustainable Growth Strategies
"Be everywhere, do everything and never fail to astonish the customer."
Two Components of Sustainable Growth Strategy
Sustainable business growth strategy is a practical approach to achieving top-line growth and bottom-line results.
8 Best Practices of Successful Companies
1.Manage processes, not people. Focus not on what they do, but on how they do it.
2.Use techniques (like "process mapping" and "benchmarking") to achieve continuous improvement.
3.Value incremental gains.
4.Measure performance by customer satisfaction.
5.Introduce new products faster that the competition.
6.Design new products for efficient manufacture.
7.Treat suppliers and customers as partners.
8.Manage inventory in superior fashion.
Case in Point: Google
Google is the Internet’s number one search engine today. What is the reason for their remarkable success? It’s beta testing and market learning. They launched a less than perfect service into the market place to get market feedback. Feedback is the key to dominating a market. It also makes great business sense. Google's competitors were trying to perfect a product by themselves separate from their target market as Google was continuously and rapidly upgrading their original beta version by listening to the customer. They strived to achieve harmony with the reality.
Role of Enterprise Strategy
Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. A successful strategy adds value for the targeted customers over the long run by consistently meeting their needs better than the competition does.
Strategy is the way in which a company orients itself towards the market in which it operates and towards the other companies in the marketplace against which it competes. It is a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable advantage over the competition. The central strategic issue: why different companies, facing the same environment, perform differently.
Strategy answers the following questions:
*what are the sources of the company's sustainable competitive advantage?
*how a company will position itself against competition in the market over the long run to secure a sustainable competitive advantage?
*what are the key strategic priorities?
Strategy is an agreed-on guide to action that should lead business to success in the marketplace by satisfying customer needs better than the competition does. Strategy formulation is the major task for the company entrepreneur and CEO, but it is the task of middle managers and project managers to carry this strategy out and turn it into results.
So I fill out for you the important points that attract my attention about the important points about the strategies and growth of the company so I can say that i can resume out 3 or 4 important points that could explain my point of view of a succefull sastainable company:
1- Being always up to day with the market and with your product
2- Motivate your partners
3- Appreciate everything your associate do for your business
4- Listen to everyone in your company and get them talking